Data Analytics Webinar
Data Analytics Webinar

Data Analytics Webinar

Data has been the buzzword around for the long time. The data is being generated from large-scale enterprises, individual and are doubling every two to three years. These data need to be analyzed for various purposes including customer research, create profitable advertising campaigns and improve their approaches. Even, our day-to-day activities depend on how we use it. Data has many advantages, but without analyzing it, it is of no use. Here’s where data analytics comes in. With proper tools and resources, it can help businesses grow.

Data Analytics has a key role in improving your business as it is used to gather hidden insights, generate reports, perform market analysis, and improve business requirements. Ekalaiv Tech Private Limited arranged a webinar on “Data Analytics” to give insights to the students of Mohammad Sathak AJ College of Engineering on the following aspects

  • What a Data Analytics is?
  • How Data Analytics differs from Data Science
  • Different types of Data Analytics
  • Applications of Data Analytics
  • Tools used for Data Analytics


Webinar presenter: Mr.Lakshman Babu, Director, Techgenzi Private Limited.